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The Phytosanitary Certificate (PSC) is a government-issued certificate that must be presented when exporting or re-exporting plants, plant products, or other regulated items. PSCs are provided to show that consignments meet the importing country’s phytosanitary import criteria. The Government of India’s Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare issues PSCs in accordance with the International Plant Protection Convention’s requirements (IPPC).

what is phytosanitary certificate
Phytosanitary Certificate for Export: What Is It Good For?

The following is a detailed explanation of the Phytosanitary Certificate for Export:

A phytosanitary certificate certifies that a plant, plant product, or other regulated commodity complies with the phytosanitary regulations of the importing country.
The phytosanitary certificate may also be used to support certification for re-export to other nations.

Covered Products For exporting the following types of items, the exporter must get a Phytosanitary Certificate:

  • A phytosanitary certificate is required for exporting restricted items like plants, bulks, and tubers.
  • Seeds for propagation, fruits and vegetables, cut flowers and branches, grain, and growing media are among the items imported.
  • A phytosanitary certificate is also required for certain processed plant products that have the potential to introduce restricted pests (For example cotton or wood).
  • PSC is required for the export of contaminated products such as empty shipping containers, cars, or other organisms.
Phytosanitary certificate type

This certificate is divided into two categories, as shown below:

For export purposes, a phytosanitary certificate is required.

For re-export reasons, a phytosanitary certificate is required.

For export purposes, a phytosanitary certificate is required
The NPPO of the nation of origin issues a phytosanitary certificate for export. A phytosanitary certificate for export certifies that the cargo complies with the country’s phytosanitary regulations. In certain re-export situations for regulated products originating in a country other than the country of re-export, PSC for export is also provided if compliance with the Phytosanitary Import is met.

For re-export reasons, a phytosanitary certificate is required
The NPPO of the re-exporting countries will provide a phytosanitary certificate for re-export if the commodity was not cultivated or processed to change its nature in that country and an original phytosanitary certificate for export is available.

Authority Delegated
The Plant Quarantine Information System, Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmer Welfare, Government of India, is the designated authority for providing the Phytosanitary Certificate for Export.

Details on Validity
The validity of a PSC before export is limited to a maximum of 7 days for perishable consignments and 30 days for non-perishable consignments to maintain phytosanitary and physical integrity of the consignment, and it should be ensured that the goods are exported immediately after certification.

Applying Time Limit
The applicant must apply at least 2-3 days prior to the consignment’s actual shipment date. Such applications must be lodged 8-10 days prior to the actual date of shipment in the event of seed consignments.

Note that the preceding restrictions may not apply to perishable commodities such as cut flowers, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

Documentation is required
The following documents should be included with the Phytosanitary Certificate application:

  • Importing countries give permits for the export of seeds or plant propagation material.
  • If the export commodity is covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Flora and Fauna, a wildlife clearance certificate is required.
  • invoice photocopy
  • List of items to bring
  • Airway bill or shipping bill
  • a credit letter
  • Agreement on Trade
  • order for purchase
  • Licence to export
  • Certificate of fumigation

Fees for export inspection and fumigation
The inspection fee must be paid by the exporter or his agent at the rates shown below:

Fee for Additional Inspection
The consignment will be inspected outside the Plant Quarantine station at the request of the exporter for a fee of Rs.10 per visit towards outside inspection charges within the municipal borders of a town or corporation limits of the city.
The exporter is responsible for paying the PQ officer’s and staff’s travel and dearness allowances, as well as the accommodation expenses, when they are dispatched for inspection outside of the city or town. If the shipment is not removed immediately after re-inspection, the exporter must pay storage charges of Rs.10 per cubic metre area every day.

Charges for additional fumigation
For fumigation and treatment of the consignment, the exporter must pay an extra Rs.25 per container.
Inspection fees must be paid in advance or as soon as the inspection tour is completed, but before the PSC is issued.

Consignment Inspection
According to the quarantine order issued, the exporter must submit the consignment at the PQ station’s office, arrange for an inspection at his premises, or present the containers at any other allowed location on the designated date and time of inspection.

Note: For opening, sampling, repacking, and sealing, the exporter or his agent must supply the appropriate transportation, labour, and other facilities.

A seed sample for propagation
The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Rules, 1976, will be followed while sampling seed for propagation. The Bureau of Indian Standards will check a sample of pulses, grains, oilseeds, and other foods for human use.

Testing in the lab
The sample will be drawn to the appropriate size for extensive laboratory testing by the Plant Quarantine officer assigned to the inspection.
Grain, pulses, nuts, spices, dry fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables, cut flowers, groundnut, turmeric, coffee beans, and other samples intended for human consumption will be visually screened for live insect infestation using an illuminated magnification.
X-ray examination is commonly used to evaluate pulses.

Consignment Fumigation and Treatment
If a live bug infestation is discovered, the exporter must arrange for the consignment to be fumigated at an approved location by a licenced pest control operator under the observation of the PQ officer.
After degassing, the consignments will be inspected again to ensure that they are free of live infestation.

Phytosanitary Certificates  issued

If the consignment is confirmed to be free of quarantine pests during inspection, Phytosanitary Certificates (PSCs) will be granted to the exporter.
PSCs are issued in the re-export format recommended by IPPC in the case of re-exported consignments.

Procedure for Submitting an Online Application

The merchant who wants to get a Phytosanitary Certificate must go to the Plant Quarantine Information System’s home page.
The applicant must first go to the PQIS home page and then click the “Sign up” link in the login window.

The following information will be presented on the screen:

1.The Exporter’s Name

2.Location of the office address
Note: An importer or exporter can register with any Plant Quarantine Station; he or she can submit up to five addresses for his or her business locations.

3.Choose a client type (Importer or Exporter)

4.DGFT will provide you with an Import Export Code.

5.Please provide your phone number and email address.

6.Select the plant Quarantine Station where the merchant want to register after supplying the necessary information. After you’ve finished filling out the registration form, hit the submit button.

7.The request will be delivered to the appropriate Plant Quarantine Station after submission. After checking the information, Plant Quarantine Station will activate the account. Following activation, the applicant will receive an email with the subject “Your account has been activated.”

8.After logging into the system, select “Apply Online” to apply for a Phytosanitary Certificate. By clicking the appropriate link, the exporter can submit the following applications for Phytosanitary Certificate online:

9.Certificates of phytosanitary safety

10.Phyto-Sanitary Certificates Can Be Re-Exported

11.Complete the Phytosanitary Certificate application. By clicking the “Save” button, the applicant can save the application for later submission or submit it by clicking the “Submit” button. You will be given an application number; keep it safe for future use.

12.If the consignment is deemed to be free of quarantine pests after the above-mentioned process (consignment inspection and sampling laboratory testing), Phytosanitary Certificates (PSCs) will be granted to the exporter.

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what is phytosanitary certificate, phytosanitary certificate, how to apply for phytosanitary certificate in india ,how to get phytosanitary certificate sanitary and phytosanitary measures

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